Risk Identification

Understand your users behaviors and connections to improve risk decision-making and find new opportunities.

Better and Faster Risk Decisioning

Unified View

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Fair Score

Real Time

Our system uses advanced machine learning and big data analysis to seamlessly integrate online and offline data signals. This helps improve your risk decision engine by providing unified view of user and discover more context around your users. Our score has been refined over time with input from various financial industry players and includes hundreds of parameters to assess user risk. Our goal is to provide a fair score for every user, in real-time.

Use Case

A clear solution to identify user risk. This score will complement your current risk decision models in assessing users with limited or no information you have in hand.

Better reasoning. We can assist you in identifying which users are most suitable for financial products rather than offering the same offers to everyone.

It is not a black box. Our Risk Identification does not contain only one score. We also provide user relation, address validation, and name validation, which you can use as input parameters in your risk engine for more accurate decision-making.

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